Page Last Updated: 17/06/2024



Main Hall

The large Main Hall, measuring approximately 18 x 8.5 m (153 m2), has capacity for a maximum of 200 people (standing), 180 seats for shows,  lectures, etc. and 120 guests at formal functions with large round tables seating 8-10 persons. The Main Hall contains the stage equipped with sound system and a professional lighting system. The hall is well lit with glass doors facing a grassy area to the rear of the building and windows along the top of the hall – all of which can be covered with curtains / blinds. The doors can be opened to give access to the outside grassy area / fresh air.

The Main Hall and Small Hall are both accessed from the communal entrance / lobby and can be linked via a set of centralised double-doors. Both halls have direct access to the communal facilities including a well-equipped kitchen and toilets.

The hall has badminton court markings and, with its high ceilings (10.1 m at the highest point), is also suitable for sporting activities such as badminton, table tennis and fitness classes. Additional lighting is available for playing sports if required.

If your event needs extra space or is likely to be disturbed (or vice versa) by an event in the other hall, it is recommended that both halls are booked. A discounted rate is offered for hiring both halls together. Hiring both of the halls together also ensures exclusive use of the building / facilities such as the kitchen and toilets. Both halls have tables and chairs that can be used.

The main hall has a selection of lighting options for which the light switches are in the cleaning cupboard in the communal lobby. Heating in the main hall is controlled by a thermostat / timer and will be off in warmer weather. The hall manager is responsible for controlling the heating for individual bookings and should be advised of any specific requirements.

The main hall is a versatile space that is sure to meet your needs and is only limited by your imagination. The below gallery shows some of the types of event and activities that have taken place in the main hall.

For more photos, please see the Wedding Receptions, Parties & Formal Functions Gallery.

Also See: Small Hall / Meeting Room.

For more ideas, visit our Children’s Parties, Catering and Bars / Alcohol pages.

PLEASE NOTE: The main hall stage is extended by a further 1.7 metres during the pantomime season in January each year.

Wi-fi is available throughout the building for use by hirers and users of Benenden Village Hall. The password is available on request.

Badminton Court

Library of Manuals

Entertainment Equipment

Hire of the entertainment equipment includes use of the following equipment.

Badminton Court

Local Village Halls / Venues


No. Halls


Outside Space





Benenden Village Hall has a Buffalo 3kW 10 Litre Auto-Fill Water Boiler.

The boiler usually takes 15-20 minutes to reach ‘ready’ state.

Plastic Items

The kitchen has a selection of plastic jugs and colourful tumblers, bowls and plates that are ideal for children’s parties.

12 jugs

28 tumblers

29 bowls

14 baby food bowls

36 plates


The kitchen has a selection of different glassware that hirers are welcome to use.

78 glass tumblers

25 champagne flutes

31 small glasses

34 wine glasses

6 small stemmed glasses

11 glass jugs

Stage Lighting

The stage lighting is controlled by an ETC ColorSource 40 lighting console.


Please Note: This equipment is only to be operated by competent / experienced persons.


Benenden Village Hall has a Nelson SC45 WSDP commercial dishwasher.


The kitchen is well stocked with a selection of different crockery including cups, saucers, bowls & plates.

  • 78 cups
  • 178 saucers
  • 144 medium cups
  • 33 saucers
  • 100 small cups
  • 21 saucers
  • 109 plates (21.5 cm)
  • 133 plates (16 cm)
  • 62 bowls (16 cm)
  • 95 plates (25cm)
  • 28 plates (26 cm)
  • 57 assorted plates
  • 26 Bowls (17 cm)

Hearing Loop

The sound system in the main hall incorporates a PDA Range 500/2 Induction Loop Amplifier.

Main Hall Projector

The main hall has a projector mounted on the lighting bar in front of the stage. The projector is an NEC VT670 projector and is operated by a remote control.

The projector has two inputs, a VGA input with an HDMI adapter for use with a laptop; and a video input with an RCA plug (yellow) which can be used with the hall’s DVD player.

Sound System

The main hall is equipped with a sound system and speakers for playing music (recorded or live) and/or using with microphones.

The system is controlled by a Soundcraft Spirit E8 10-channel mixer (8 mono mic/line , 2 stereo line inputs). 

  • Marantz CD5400 CD Player
  • Marantz SD4040 Twin Cassette Deck
  • Audio Technics ATW-R160 UHF Receiver (microphones)
  • 2 x interM L1400 Professional Power Amplifiers

The audio input for use with mobile phones / devices uses a standard 3.5 mm jack plug with adapters for use with most mobile phones.

Benenden Village Hall has adapters for the following which may be borrowed:

  • USB-C
  • Micro USB
  • Lightning